Included below are some of the readings, materials, and lessons developed for the 2022 Creating Communities Summer Institute.

Grounding the Week in Inquiry!
How did Chinese Americans form community(ies) in California and the nation?
How do experiences of Chinese Americans weave into and/or challenge the traditional American narrative?
Educators know that the most effective way for students of all ages to learn is through inquiry. To model that, the Summer Institute was centered around two primary questions and offered additional questions each day. Central to the inquiry, is place-based learning! Experiencing significant and influential places in Chinese American history was a critical part of the institute. Below are the places the institute visited in an effort to more deeply understand the lived experiences, past and present, of California's Chinese Americans.

Landmark Analysis Tool
To aid the field studies and support inquiry, the institute utilized a Landmark Analysis Tool. This tool combines a standard SOAP primary source analysis tool with a Landmark Study analysis. Asking the questions:
~ How does the landmark preserve the past?
~ Is it Alive Today, A Living Memory, Simply a Memory, or a Forgotten Part of the Past?
These questions help uncover the purpose of the landmark and how it might be used (or not used) by those in the present. The rich conversations this inquiry generates allows for a deeper analysis of each site.
Prioritizing Community
Throughout the week, the summer institute prioritized creating a community where educators could learn together. Some simple community norms guided the work! The institute encouraged educators to be aware of the positionality in the space, to track their space in the community and make adjustments as necessary. Those that may talk a lot give space to those who should voice their thoughts more! In this way, participants could practice mutual respect and encouraging learning and growing together.
Below are some of the incredible resources shared throughout the week including lessons developed by our teacher leaders and participants.
Online Padlet of Resources
2022 Course Reader
The course reader for the 2022 Creating Communities in California workshop included suggested articles and chapters that would provide background for participants. They were designed to supplement the workshop experience and allow participants to engage in deeper conversations throughout the week.
Participant Created Lessons
Lesson by Shane Galvin (11-12th Grade History-Social Science)
Inquiry Question: What ideas were used to oppose Chinese exclusion?
Lesson by Ruqayyah Totten (8th Grade History-Social Science)
Inquiry Question: How did Chinese American communities establish and thrive despite anti-Chinese policies and discrimination?
Lesson by Peggy Kao (High School Mandarin Chinese)
Inquiry Question: How do environmental, political, and societal changes positively and negatively impact Chinatown Communities?